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SCCA Great Lakes Division Rally Championship Update

Updated points: here

POR leg by leg scores: here

Current GLD Championship Points Standings:

A pdf of SCCA GLD Rally Championship standings following this past weekend's Press On Regardless rally is attached. Please address any questions about errors or omissions in these standings to Greg Lester or Piotr Rozsczenko. A summary of POR leg by leg scores is also attached.

Upcoming GLD Championship Rallies:

September 18 - Hoosier Byways, Bridges of Putnam County, Stilesville, IN, Indianapolis Region (More information & registration open here: ) October 23 - Johnny Appleseed, Bolivar, OH. Neohio Region (More information, and registration open here: November 7 - Lake Erie Covered Bridges, Conneaut, OH. Misery Bay Region November 20 - Pavement Ends, Whitmore Lake, MI. Detroit Region
Unfortunately, Detroit Region's Cadillac Color Tour, originally scheduled for October 2, has been cancelled.

Central Ohio Rally Club (CORC) Rally:

CORC's next rally will be Saturday, September 25th. Registration will open at 12:30 pm. First car off at 1:31 pm. The Start will be at Gender and Route 33 in the Winchester Square Shopping Center (Kroger). The rally will be about 130 miles long (Fairfield and Hocking counties). It will take approximately 4 hours to complete. Finish will be at Donatos near Gender and 33. Contact Pat Hoffmanbeck ( for details.

2021 Route of All Evil:

A short message from rallymaster extraordinaire Frank Beyer (aka Dr. Devio) about the 2021 Route of All Evil:

Two Regional Tour ROUTE(s) OF ALL EVIL Rallies

10/30/21:(All in Good Time) -and- 10/31/21:(Deceptive Bends)

Expect a couple of things to be missing from my turn as a rallymaster for the Finger Lakes Region: darkness and snow (probably). The fields are limited to 30 cars each. Early registration is now open to cars with at least one full-time SCCA member.

Both courses feature smooth paved and unpaved roads; no car-breakers. Saturday’s route is about 190 miles long and Sunday’s about 175 miles. Speeds will be appropriately brisk for the roads and conditions. The Route and General Instructions are straightforward, but you’ll need to stay alert and be ready to react to the situations presented. I expect you’ll rack up a bunch of zeros but you’ll work for them. Timing will be done with the Richta System using your smartphone in your car.

CLASSES: (E)quipped - no restriction on equipment. (E on Sunday will not qualify for

some of the overall prizes to give L and S a chance in the spotlight).

(L)imited - all mileage information must be manually entered in full (no constants) into

calculating equipment

(S)tock - all mileage information must be derived from the stock odometer in the stock

location and must be manually entered into calculating equipment

AWARDS will be in cash; perhaps other trinkets if the budget allows.

SCHEDULE: Saturday Sunday

Check in & pay, connect with Richta 9:45 - 10:30 7:15 - 7:45

First Car Out 11:01 8:01

First Car In, approximately 6:00 2:30

Start and Finish - behind Buffalo Wild Wings, 768 NY Rt 28, Oneonta NY 13820

I plan to negotiate a lodging “special” but haven’t had a chance to set something up yet. This is a busy season in Oneonta until the colleges get back in session and the Baseball Hall of Fame ceremonies are completed in early September. There are three hotels within walking distance and more close by. I will make info available as soon as possible to entrants.

ENTRY IS BY PRE-REGISTRATION ONLY, LIMITED TO 30 CARS per rally. Entry opens on SEPT 7th TO CREWS WITH AT LEAST ONE full-time SCCA MEMBER on a first-come, first-served basis. Entry OPENS OCTOBER 1st, to crews with no SCCA members (they will become temporary members). Entry closes when we have 30 entries and/or October 26th.

Entry fees are due at Check-In. Payment in EXACT CASH in an envelope with your car # on it, please, to limit contact. No checks, credit cards, or excuses.

ENTRY - One rally Both rallies

At least one full-time SCCA member in the car: $50 $95

Two non-members* $65 $110

*One crew member will become a Weekend Member of SCCA, which costs $15; I encourage you to become full-time SCCA members to support rally programs.

I’ll send the General Instructions by email. I’ll try to have a “competitors’ meeting” online a couple of weeks before the events where I’ll respond to any questions you have.

Frank Beyer, aka Dr Devio, Rallymaster

REGISTRATION STUFF (Motorsport.Reg didn’t work out) There’s no entry form; please send the following information to:

>Indicate which Rally and/or rallies you intend to compete on

>Indicate which Class and/or classes you intend to compete in on each rally

Driver: Name, mailing address, email address, phone #, SCCA member # & region

Navigator: Name, mailing address, email address, phone #, SCCA member # & region

>Vehicle: Year, make and model, State and License #

-Let me know if you need a 2021 Minor Waiver Form.

-Let me know if you have a preferred Car #.

If you do not wish to receive future rally-related messages at this address please reply with a request to be removed from this distribution list.

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